Sara Tibbetts
Development Intern

Sara is originally from Northern California and came to Boston to attend Suffolk University. She is going into her junior year, majoring in Political Science with a concentration in Public Policy and Law as well as a minor in Sociology. Sara was the president of her college’s International Relations Club this past year and loved being able to give people a space to have conversations about important global issues. One of her passion areas is inspiring youth leadership and developmental opportunities and she has worked in several roles surrounding this area including working as a Collegiate Facilitator for the National 4-H Conference in 2023. She loves to learn about policy issues, specifically within social justice, equity, and education, and hopes to work within one of these passion areas post grad. Over the summer Sara had the opportunity to work as Summer Education Intern for UNAGB’s Summer Institute in Global Leadership and is excited to return in a new role while still promoting the UNAGB’s mission!