Chris Talamo
Program Director

As Program Director, Chris Talamo supports the growth and programmatic excellence of UNAGB’s Model UN programs. He has been passionate about Model UN and global issues education since he attended his first conference at 13 years old. Model UN provided him with invaluable opportunities to find his voice through debate and develop leadership skills by leading conferences of all sizes. After graduating from Dartmouth College, he founded a nonprofit dedicated to helping schools start their own local, affordable Model UN conferences. Later, he served as the Executive Director of the International Model United Nations Association (IMUNA), where he founded and supported Model UN conferences in 27 different countries and led the National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN), the world’s largest MUN conference. Through these roles, he has created new MUN opportunities for tens of thousands of students in the United States and abroad. Chris is now thrilled to be focusing his energy to serve Greater Boston, creating transformational experiences for our region’s next generation of leaders.