The United Nations Association of Greater Boston (UNAGB) is dedicated to building a strong multigenerational network of global citizens. We educate, inspire, and engage members of the community on critical global issues central to the work and mission of the United Nations.
We envision a Greater Boston where people of all ages engage as global citizens in working towards a more sustainable, just, and peaceful future.

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the United Nations Association of Greater Boston (UNAGB) has dedicated 50 years to building a network of globally aware citizens in the Greater Boston area through our Model UN youth programs and community events. With a core staff of 5 employees and over 150 volunteers, we engage over 5,000 global citizens, of all ages, each year.
UNAGB inspires the next generation of global leaders through our Model UN education programs, which serve thousands of Boston-area and New England school children each year – reaching over 5,000 students and teachers in over 75 schools in Boston and surrounding districts in the 2023-2024 academic year!
Through our free community events we also inspire community members to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) both locally and globally. Such programs and resources include our SDG Perspective Series, International Women’s Day, the SDG Action Corner, partner events, and many more! We also host a series of signature fundraising events, such as our our UN Day Luncheon with local diplomats and leaders. In the 2023-2024 school year, we reached over 1,500 adults.