Fun Facts about Ethiopia

Have an itching desire to visit Ethiopia? Want to know more about the country? Planning on attending Young Professional’s Taste of Ethiopia on Wednesday? Well here are some fun facts about Ethiopia to get you ready and prepared! The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is a small country located in the Horn of Africa. It […]

NO to violence against women

Around 15 to 76 percent of women around the world experience physical or sexual violence from men in their lifetime. This staggering statistic has called the attention of people, organizations, and governments around the world to take action and put an end to such vehement behavior. UN Women has been taking serious measures to stop […]

Child Soldiers: A disheartening reality

The disheartening practice of using children as child soldiers is widely practiced in sub-Saharan Africa and in parts of Asia and South America. Currently, there are about 300,000 children involved in conflicts around the world.  Most of these boys and girls are forced while others join to escape poverty and abuse or to seek revenge. […]

Meet our Spring 2013 Interns!

A new year has started, and here at the office, we have so many new and returning interns that we would like for all of you to meet. Each intern has shared with us some quirky and interesting facts about themselves. Check out what each had to say below: Naa Aku S. Addo- Education   If […]