Curious what UNAGB has done to transition Model UN programs online in 2020? Check out four major highlights below!

Click here to view UNAGB’s new Virtual MUN website!
The Virtual MUN website is now available in Spanish! Click here!
Model UN Conferences
UNAGB transitioned our final two Model UN conferences of the 2019-2020 school year online in April and May. Over 100 students joined us at Commonwealth MUN and Rising Leaders MUN. All fall 2020 conferences will be held online as we collaborate with educational technology platform – – to create a virtual schoolhouse! Online MUN allows students to interact with students from all over the world, honing their skills in public speaking, collaboration, and writing (all on Zoom!)
Model UN In-Class Programming
UNAGB transitioned our parliamentary procedure lessons and Model UN simulations – typically facilitated in person – online in May and June. Nearly 150 students at Josiah Quincy Elementary School in Boston participated in a virtual MUN simulation, reading their opening speeches, reading resolutions aloud, and voting! We look forward to our In-Class programs in SY20-21, hybrid or virtual, we are ready to facilitate!
Summer Institute in Global Leadership
All five weeks of UNAGB’s Summer Institute in Global Leadership took place online during the summer of 2020. These were daily synchronous learning experiences that ran 9:30 -3:00 each day with 35 virtual Model UN simulations throughout the summer. Just over 200 students attended in total, with our week focused on Human Rights having the highest enrollment. Facilitating an online Summer Institute allowed us the opportunity to bring in some phenomenal guest speakers, including former US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, Representative to the United Nations on climate change, Michael Green, and many others!
MUN Reimagined: Student Ambassadors
In addition to changes made to transition our Model UN programming virtually, 14 phenomenal high school and college age Model UN Student Ambassadors have joined the UNAGB team to prepare guides and training to ensure delegates and chairs are confident and prepared to participate in a virtual MUN setting. Stay tuned for resources coming soon!